Jean is a dynamic and ambitious person who has worked for more than 15 years in international cooperation in different roles. He worked on a range of governance assignments: decentralization, public administration reform (accountability and transparency), empowering (local) democracy, citizen commitment (participation). He worked on assignments for Dutch Government, for the UNDP, for USAID, pre-dominantly in the following countries: Mali, Benin, Ghana, Tunisia, Turkey, Rumania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina and recently in Ukraine. During a long career in The Netherlands he combined his experience with the government practice in his home country with the varied challenges to improve the functioning of the public domain in countries where he works. His experience is both on the political side (Senator, member of the Benelux assembly, (vice) mayor, City council member) and in the civil service (chief executive of a regional cooperation of municipalities, deputy director of legal and administrative affairs of the Dutch Association of municipalities (VNG), governing moderator of a network of local authorities working on SDG’s). He is excellent in working with others to achieve common goals. He is an experienced coach in transformation processes and a true and tested moderator in complex learning projects focused on social and political innovation. “Learning is sharing”.