Case 1: Shelter for rejected asylum seekers: a pragmatic solution
In 2018, approximately 40 Dutch local governments offer a certain form of shelter for rejected asylum seekers. These shelters are often referred to as “bed-bath-bread” shelters (…
Case 2: The Decentralisation of Social Policy
The Decentralisation of Social Policy – reinforcing intermunicipal cooperation As of January 1 2015, municipalities in the Netherlands have acquired important tasks and…
Case 3: Getting ready for the future together: Dutch smart cities
An estimated number of 60 Dutch municipalities are currently working on experiments, projects and initiatives to give substance to the increasingly popular ‘smart city’ concept.…
Case 4: The living lab approach: local stakeholders as co-creators of urban innovation
More than half of the world’s population lives in cities. According to the United Nations this number will rise to around 68% in 2050. This urbanization trend has been…
Case 5: Megaprojects & water: preparing for rising water levels to prevent a flooded future
The Netherlands is known for the never-ending battle against the sea and the flooding of rivers. More than half of the Netherlands is positioned below sea level and large rivers…
Case 6: How Dutch local governments contribute to less emissions and a climate-neutral EU
Ever since 1992, The EU Birds and Habitats Directive protects animals, plants and rare habitat types. The directive is aimed at maintaining and protecting the biodiversity in…