Nov 14, 2023 - Kenya

    Validation Meeting SDLG Kenya

    On the 14th of November, VNG International hosted a Validation Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya, for its new programme: Sustainable Development through improved Local Governance in…

    Nov 11, 2023 - Ukraine

    Een jaar bevrijding en ondersteuning van Kherson

    Op 11 november 2022, vandaag een jaar geleden, werd de Oekraïense stad Kherson bevrijd. Deze stad is een van onze partnersteden in het programma ‘support to recovery…

    Nov 07, 2023

    VNG International expresses support to Palestinian colleagues

    VNG International has been active in Palestine for more than 30 years. For years we have worked on the resilience and stability of communities on the West Bank. We express our…

    Nov 02, 2023 - Benin

    PartiCiP au DEL organises training workshop for tourist guides in Sô-Ava, Benin

    Cliquez ici pour la version française VNG International showed its support for the development of the tourism sector, as part of the objective of developing economic potential,…

    Nov 02, 2023 - Benin

    PartiCiP au DEL organizes workshop for the preparation of business plans in Ouidah, Benin

    Cliquez ici pour la version française As part of the 3rd component of the PartiCiP au DEL programme, dedicated to the development of economic potential, VNG International…

    Oct 11, 2023 - Turkey

    Urban development for 3 Turkish municipalities after the earthquakes

    In the last week of September VNG International conducted three workshops in Türkiye for the municipalities of Seyhan (Adana), Osmaniye and Kahramanmaraş. Two Dutch experts on…

    Sep 21, 2023 - Mozambique

    Completion of Field-Level Leadership in Beira (Mozambique)

    On the 31st of May we finished the Field-Level Leadership (FLL) programme in Beira in collaboration with the World Bank and funded by RVO. FLL is a multi-agent leadership…

    Sep 20, 2023 - Egypt

    Challenges in WASH Service Provision and Links to SDGs: Insights from the Knowledge Exchange Conference

    The Knowledge Exchange Conference, held in Luxor, Egypt, on 18 and 19 September 2023, brought together stakeholders in the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sector to discuss…

    Sep 15, 2023 - Libya

    Statement Libya

    VNG International expresses its support the Libyan people after storm Daniel swept into Libya. Thousands have lost their lives and thousands of people are currently missing, as a…