May 14, 2019 - Colombia

    Circular budget

    When Herman Calvo, director of the Metropolitan Area of Centro Occidente (incl. the municipality of Pereira) grew up his grandparents gave him examples on how to live a…

    May 03, 2019 - Palestine

    In a divided West Bank: Area C municipality reconnects to colleagues from Area A

    The mayor and village council members from Area C village Khalet al-Mayya were invited by Area A city of Ramallah to join them to exchange ideas on how to improve civil services…

    Apr 25, 2019

    First IDEAL Advisory Board of 2019

    The first IDEAL advisory board of 2019 took place on Thursday April 11th. The meeting was chaired by  Mr Carol van Eert, mayor of Rheden and member of the VNG Commission ‘Europe…

    Apr 24, 2019 - Ghana

    Report: Strengthening Local Taxation Through Decentralized Development Cooperation

    A recent report by KU Leuven’s HIVA research institute shows insight in and lessons learned from decentralisation organisations to taxation initiatives in the global south. Data…

    Apr 23, 2019 - Ghana

    leaderships masterclass for mayors and political leaders of the first tranche of participating municipalities

    In Ghana VNG International, together with its local partner Maple consult, are implementing The Ghana Tax Revenue for Economic Enhancement (TREE) project (2019-2021) to boost…

    Apr 23, 2019 - Ghana

    kick off meeting for the second tranche of 17 municipalities TREE project

    In Ghana VNG International, together with its local partner Maple consult, are implementing the so called The Ghana Tax Revenue for Economic Enhancement (TREE) project (2019-2021…

    Apr 16, 2019 - Tunisia

    A new project for local governments has been launched in Tunisia!

    I am pleased the IDEMA programme enables, VNG International and CILG to share our knowledge and experience of decentralisation and local governance with Tunisia. I really hope the…

    Apr 12, 2019 - Iraq

    VNG International signs two Letters of Intent in Iraq

    VNG International is proud to announce that on Monday the 1st of April, during the first day of the inception meeting of the EU funded Maintaining Strength and Resilience for…

    Apr 11, 2019 - Iraq

    Mayor of Soest Rob Metz in Iraq

    Every trip I make with VNG International is remarkable. This trip has not been an exception. I joined a delegation on a mission to Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan. This mission is the…