Sep 19, 2018

    Inclusiveness at heart

    A hike, a bike and good company. The Dutch kick-off of the RPM week raised some questions: “Why do you have a bike with you?” “Are we going to walk to the office?”. The local…

    Sep 17, 2018

    Mienskip in Myanmar

    On a cloudy Monday morning in early September, a colourful group, consisting of four foreign delegations, roams the streets of Leeuwarden. They come from Colombia, Myanmar, Benin…

    Sep 10, 2018

    The dilemma of the Local Council I structures within the refugee hosting districts of Uganda

    17 years after the last Local Council I elections were conducted, over 60,000 villages across Uganda went to the polls to elect their local council leaders on July 10th 2018. By…

    Sep 07, 2018

    City Deals to Deal with Cities

    Within VNG International's programme ‘Governance of Inclusive Green Growth in Cities’ (DEALS) we work with the concept of City Deals. A suitable model to address pressing urban…

    Sep 07, 2018

    Dare to experiment with an integrated governance approach

    In today’s world, the biggest challenges that we face are interconnected. If the elements affect one another, treating the parts as separate will not bring you closer to a…