Sep 13, 2023 - Benin

    The project preparing the scaling up of the Beninese land register (PPMEC) has been launched!

    (cliquez ici pour l’article en français) On 1 July 2023, VNG International in partnership with MDF and Kadaster International together started Project Preparing for the Scaling…

    Aug 29, 2023 - Ukraine

    An introduction to the ‘Spring Summer School’

    Knowledge sharing with Ukrainian communities The Spring Summer School program has been rolled out by the International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands…

    Jun 30, 2023

    Annual Results 2022

    It is our pleasure to present you VNG International’s results for the year 2022. You can find it here. In his opening words director Pieter Jeroense reflects on the moving year…

    Jun 14, 2023 - Turkey

    Local governance response, recovery and reconstruction following the Earthquakes in Türkiye

    VNG International, with funds from Giro555, supports three municipalities in the earthquake-affected area in Türkiye: Seyhan (Adana), Kahramanmaraş, and Osmaniye. As guest member…

    May 02, 2023 - Benin

    VNG International’s partnership with the National Association of Beninese Municipalities (ANCB) dynamized

    (cliquez ici pour l’article en français) On Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023, VNG International was received by its sister association in Benin, the National Association of Beninese…

    Apr 25, 2023 - Ethiopia

    VNG International as partner to Creative Associates International wins USAID funded ETHIOPIA CIVIC ENGAGEMENT programme

    Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Ethiopia Civic Engagement Activity is a four-year program designed to strengthen civic and community-…

    Apr 20, 2023 - Libya

    Wadi-Otba's Waste Management Plan: Innovating Policies, Changing Practices

    Waste management is at the core of the decentralization process in Libya and represents one of the urgent challenges facing central and local authorities. ISAL, built upon several…

    Mar 08, 2023 - Libya

    Women Doing Wonder in Traghen (Libya)

    Today is International Women’s Day! At VNG International, gender mainstreaming is essential in our programmes. We believe that involving citizens, men and women, in decision…

    Mar 06, 2023 - World Wide

    VNG International and Creative Associates form global strategic partnership

    VNG International and Creative Associates International from the US have formed a global partnership that will leverage the complimentary expertise of the two organizations in key…