In a significant move towards strengthening local governance and improving municipal services in Palestine, the Joint Regional Building Committee (JRBC) has been successfully established within the West Ramallah Cluster. This cluster, comprising seven Village Councils (Shuqba, Shabtin, Al Midya, Qibya, Budrus, Deir Qaddis, and Kharbatha Bani Harith) and one municipality, is now set to benefit from a unified approach to local governance, particularly in the area of building regulation and revenue generation.

Why the JRBC is a Game-Changer for the West Ramallah Cluster

The formation of the JRBC is a vital development under the Sustainable Development of Local Governance (SDLG) project, designed to enhance the capacity and efficiency of local councils. This committee represents a collective effort by the Village Councils (VCs) to centralize and streamline administrative processes, specifically in the domain of building licensing—a critical area that has been underutilized as a source of local revenue.

Previously, the VCs in the West Ramallah Cluster had to navigate a complex and often inefficient system, requiring them to liaise with multiple offices at the governorate level to secure necessary approvals for building licenses and other essential services. This not only slowed down development projects but also hindered the councils' ability to maximize potential revenue from these activities. The establishment of the JRBC is a direct response to these challenges, offering a more streamlined and efficient alternative.

The Road to Establishing the JRBC: Key Milestones

The idea of the JRBC was born out of the West Ramallah Cluster's comprehensive plan, finalized in December 2023. This plan identified the need for a regional committee that could consolidate efforts and streamline the process of building regulation across the seven VCs. The VCs themselves were instrumental in advocating for this committee, having recognized the inefficiencies of the previous system during a series of dialogue

Looking Ahead: The Impact of the JRBC

The establishment of the JRBC in the West Ramallah Cluster is expected to have a profound impact on local governance and development. By centralizing building regulation and other key services, the JRBC will not only improve efficiency but also unlock new revenue streams for the VCs. This, in turn, will enable the councils to reinvest in their communities, supporting further development and improving the quality of life for local residents.

Moreover, the JRBC serves as a model for other clusters in Palestine, demonstrating how collaborative governance can lead to more effective and sustainable outcomes. As the JRBC begins its work, it is poised to set a new standard for local governance in the region, with the potential to inspire similar initiatives across the country.


Poster 1: calls the fellow citizens to, 1) before applying to any service from the village council to go to the JRBC and apply for building permit, and 2) citizens should first go to the JRBC before starting any construction work.Poster 2: tells the citizens that your building permit is your guarantee and protection toward 1) Strengthen your resilience in the face of occupation measures, 2) Improve the housing environment and facilitating life, 3) Preserve your property, and  4) Achieve civil peace.