Newsitem End ConferenceVNG International and CILG have successfully organized the End Conference of the Libyan Local Governance and Stabilisation Programme (LGSP) titled “Efficient Municipalities for Prosperous Cities” in Tunis on June 12, 2019. 

The three-and-a-half year programme was funded by the European Union with support from the Dutch government. Mr. Alan Bugeja, the EU Ambassador to Libya, said in his opening speech that "the Libyan municipalities play a key role in stabilizing the country and meeting the aspirations of the Libyan citizens for a just and fair society that respects basic human rights.” Therefore, municipalities in all regions of Libya are supported to strengthen their capacities and improve the services provided to the citizens. In a thank you note, the EU Delegation expressed that “it was a great event and the turn-out was really good. All the visuals looked absolutely stunning.”

The programme was based on three components. The first objective was to the capacity of the municipal councils and the administration of 23 beneficiary municipalities for more effective local governance. The second component was focused on the ability of municipalities to fulfil their basic tasks, that is to provide better services to citizens in line with their expectations. In the third component, the objective was to ensure transparency in the relationship between the municipality and the local civil society through participatory projects.

The End Conference was also an opportunity for VNG International and CILG to present its two ongoing projects in Libya, which are titled the “Libya Local Pilot Projects: strengthening local governance by supporting selected municipalities” and “Improved Service delivery and Accountability on the Local level in Libya’.