Since the beginning of 2017, IDEAL Somaliland has made significant progress. And how to better demonstrate this than with an illustration?
The illustration shows that the IDEAL programme started with providing support to ALGASL, the Association of Local Government Authorities of Somaliland. IDEAL aimed to strengthen the LGA’s capacity in areas of, amongst other, policy development, internal organisation such as HR and finance, trainer skills, knowledge on LED, communication, lobby and advocacy.
Throughout the IDEAL programme, districts have joined ALGASL because they realized that the association had great added value: it could provide services, serve as a platform and was able to represent common interests of local governments toward the central government. ALGASL has succeeded in expanding its membership base to the maximum extent possible: from only 10 members in 2017 to all 23 Somaliland districts to the present day. The remaining districts joined ALGASL in 2019.
Currently, the local government association is leading the way by providing information and conducting trainings and workshops to its members. With the support of IDEAL and VNG International, ALGASL is contributing to participatory and inclusive governance and local economic development in Somaliland.