During the week of 16 October, The Hague Academy for Local Governance (THA) held the first Training of Trainers (ToT) in Garowe, Puntland. This training was the first of four and focused specifically on disaster risk management (DRM) and adult training methods. A total of 18 participants (5 women, 13 men) took part in the ToT and are now equipped to become trainers for their organizations. A wide range of representatives from the different direct stakeholders of the DANWADAAG programme in Puntland were represented during the training, including the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, the Ministry of Interior, Garowe and Qardho Municipality, the Association of Local Government Authorities of Puntland (ALGAPL), Civil Society Organisations and the Media Association of Puntland (MAP).
On the first day, the trainer explained the structure of the training cycle and the broader purpose of the training. This was followed by an introduction on DRM, including a group analysis on the state of DRM in Puntland State, Somalia. On the second day, the trainees received an introduction on the training cycle and needs analysis, and their specific role as trainers was discussed. During the last day of training, the importance of learning objectives and inclusive training design was touched upon, as well as interactive and participatory training methods. After these three days of training, the trainees were asked to develop a personal action plan to reflect on which specific objective they want to improve. Another outcome of the training was that some participants suggested to organize a follow-up training on DRM for the other participants. This will be facilitated in November.
This was the first training out of a cycle of four. The next training is scheduled for February 2023.