The wider objective of the project is on to empower, amplify voices and creating resilience among people (including men, women and youth) with disabilities (also referred to as PWDs) and other excluded groups, particularly those faced with food insecurity in areas of protracted crises. Implementation countries are Burundi BDI, DR Congo DRC, Ethiopia ETH, Sudan SDN, South Sudan SSD, Uganda UGD.

The overall objective of ESAP3 is to strengthen Social Accountability (SA) mechanisms for enhanced service delivery in Ethiopia. Social Accountability refers to citizens holding service providers and local governments accountable for service delivery. Through dialogue and feedback loops between basic service users and service providers, joint action plans are developed to enhance the quality and accessibility of services. The five basic service sectors are Education, Health, Rural Roads, Agriculture and Water and Sanitation (WASH).

Taxation ProgrammeVNG International takes pride in featuring in UN Capital Development Fund’s (UNCDF) report on investment and economic development in secondary cities in Ghana and Uganda.

The wider objective of the project is to support the Ghanaian city of Kumasi in dealing with the effects of the COVD-19 pandemic.<br />
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The specific objectives are:<br />
- To provide support for and strengthen micro and small businesses towards faster economic recovery through the promotion of Local Economic Development<br />
- To enhance the capacity of institutions both public and private to govern effectively in times of crisis<br />

The wider objective of the project is to improve the social contract through increased resilience to external shocks.

The specific objective is to increase government legitimacy through efficient and effective Disaster Risk Management based on access to information, inclusive policies and services.

The expected results of the project are:

- Communities can contribute to inclusive and transparent Disaster Risk Management through equitable access to information, resources and decision making processes (Outcome 1)

The wider objective of the project is to strengthen the institutional and operational capacity of local governments to deepen Ethiopia's decentralisation process as a pathway to sustainable development. <br />
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The ESPER project aims to improve the living and security conditions of the population in Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu. ESPER targets more than 2,500,000 people, who will benefit from the improvement of the security situation through the action of the authorities and communities supported by the project.<br />
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The project seeks to achieve the following objective:<br />

The programme aims to realize the following long term change: <br />
Inclusive and participatory local governance contributing to reducing the extent and incidence of customary power conflicts.<br />
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Specific project objectives are:<br />
0. The political and security situation in the targeted areas is "re-objectivized" and the intervention strategy is refined.<br />

The programme aims to realize the following long term result: <br />
For the population to recognize the State as the main transparent and accountable provider of services to the people, favouring peace and stability.<br />
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Specific project objectives are:<br />
1. The performance and quality of justice administration services are improved, enabling equitable and accessible justice for the entire population (women, young women, men, young men, children, marginalized and at-risk groups).<br />

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the institutional strengthening of the National School of Government (NSG) and the professionalisation of the South African public service through training and development initiatives. <br />
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The achievement of the overall objective will be supported through the realisation of the project purpose which is to contribute to the institutional strengthening of the NSG through provision of technical support and capacity building interventions to enable it to fulfil its mandate.<br />