VNG International has Project Offices in:

Goma: Cordaid office, No.16, Avenue Karisimbi, Quartier Les Volcans, Goma, North Kivu.

Goma (TRIDE office): 7 Avenue des Orchidées, Quartier des Volcans, Goma, North Kivu

Bunia: 147 Avenue Mbunya, Quartier Lumumba, Commune de Mbunya, Bunia, Ituri (look for Cordaid office).

Bukavu: No 80 avenue du Gouverneur, Quartier Ndendere, Commune d'Ibanda, Bukavu, Sud Kivu.

Uvira: 120 Avenue Kivu, Quartier Nyamianda, Commune de Kalundu, Uvira, South Kivu

The projects implemented in the DR Congo can be found here.

Please find hereunder the whole team. 


1 - Staff Goma (ESPER project):

Nynke DoumaMrs. Nynke DOUMA– Country Representative / ESPER Chief of Party

For nearly two decades Nynke Douma’s main geographic focus of work has been eastern DR Congo. In her lengthy career as an independent consultant for international non-governmental organizations she predominantly focused on interrelated themes of governance, conflict and fragility, peacebuilding, civil society, gender equality, monitoring and evaluation, and communication. She has a diverse set of professional skills, such as facilitation, training, analysis, reporting and people management. In DR Congo Nynke is the Country Representative of VNG International and she is the Chief of Party for the ESPER consortium. Nynke holds cum laude Master Degrees in International Development Sociology/Disaster Studies (Wageningen University, NL) and International Journalism (Cardiff University, UK).

“In order to influence change it is crucial to believe in your goals, to understand the processes through which change happens, to put confidence in change makers and connect them with one another, and to learn from challenges or mistakes.”

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Nynke en français.

Mr. Thierry KAMBERE KATSONGOESPER Security Governance Coordinator / Security Governance & Political Engagement Expert

ThierryTrained as a jurist at the Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs. Committed nationally and internationally for the past twenty years to human rights, universal values, good governance, justice and the peaceful coexistence of differences.

"VNG International teams often work in complex contexts in which challenges are experienced as traps for entire communities and as an already-pronounced sentence : wretched living in perpetuity. The challenges experienced are then proof of a confirmed death of good governance. Under these conditions, VNG International's commitment and work for good governance with communities and authorities at various levels brings technique, reason, conviction and faith to bear on the same ground. The resilience of the communities and the successes recorded are testimony to the victory over pessimism."

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Thierry en français.

Mrs. Chantal RUGENERA KAMBIBI - Security Governance Advisor

Ms. Chantal RUGENERA KAMBIBI holds a Bachelors in Law from the University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN) in the DRC. From 2007 to 2012, she worked in political cabinets as Advisor to Ministers at the national level and as Provincial Minister in charge of Environment, Tourism, Culture and Arts, Sports and Leisure in the Province of North Kivu. Since 2013, she has been working in stabilization, first as Project Officer for the STAREC program (Stabilization and Reconstruction Program) and as Advisor in charge of Democratic Dialogue at the International Organization for Migration (IOM). She also worked as a Project Assistant at IOM in the framework of the Institutional Support Project for the fight against illicit mineral trafficking, before joining VNG International, where she currently works as a Security Governance Expert.

"With five years of experience in politics and nine years in stabilization in Eastern DRC, I understood that stabilization, peace and development are woven into the improvement and consolidation of the social contract between the governors and the governed.  Since then, working for stabilization, peace and development has become my passion.”

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Chantal en français.

Mrs. Brigitte MUTAMBALA MAPENDO - Lobby & Advocacy Coordinator


Mrs. Arlette Santono Tanya – ESPER Financial Officer

ArletteUniversity degree in Business Management and Administration, with more than 15 years of progressive experience in administrative, financial and logistics management (budget preparation and monitoring of emergency and development projects; financial reporting, capacity building and organizational development, internal control and audit, development of financial and logistics procedures, analysis of balance sheet accounts, processing and supervision of accounting data, and human resources management) of various organizations, both national and international, under funding from various donors.

"Peace is not simply a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we achieve it."

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Arlette en français.

Mr. Faustin KOYA GILIKO – Driver


2 - Staff Goma (TRIDE project):

Mr. Adolphe NGONDO MATABARO - Program Officer & Security Governance Technical Advisor

Studied Social Sciences, with a degree in Development Economics at the Catholic University of Graben in DR Congo. Twelve years of experience in Research and Implementation of Stabilisation and Peacebuilding Programmes.

"With the current challenges in the DRC, the government must promise everyone security from crime and the hardships of economic life; it must promise every citizen the right and the means to pursue their individual dream of happiness. Then, and only then, are the governed required to obey the laws that allow civilisation to exist."

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Adolphe en français.

3 - Staff Bukavu (We Are Able and TRIDE projects):

Mr. Loochi Muzaliwa –  Program Director / Bukavu Focal Point / TRIDE Team Leader / Security Governance Expert


Loochi Muzaliwa is a lawyer by training and holds a Master's degree (Bac+5) in Private and Judicial Law. With over twenty years of experience in the field of analysis and knowledge in conflict transformation and human rights, he has a career of more than ten years in the service of international organizations and the United Nations, where he has held several qualifying positions. He contributed his expertise to the development of the Participatory Action approach applied to conflict transformation, and as a result, was instrumental in the design of the second phase of the stabilization program in Eastern DRC (North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri). For a long time, he worked with Congolese civil society organizations that he was able to coach in the peace process in the DRC, first as a coordinator and trainer in human rights and electoral matters (long-term observer of the electoral process), and then as an advisor to several negotiation forums between Congolese belligerents (conference with armed groups, preparation of civil society for the Sun City negotiations, etc.). Loochi Muzaliwa has acquired great skills not only in the field of research, having participated in several publications and studies, but also as a mediator and negotiator in conflicts between communities as well as between the government and armed groups. He is also a university teacher, where he teaches several courses in law. During his studies, he contributed to the creation of two Congolese law organizations, Justice For All and Alternatives, which work in the defense of human rights and peace. Loochi is a former police officer who has worked in the field of security governance. Today, Loochi Muzaliwa is an associate consultant for the international cooperation agency of the Association of Dutch municipalities (VNG International), leading the implementation of local governance projects in the Kalehe and Uvira territories in South Kivu, as well as in the provinces of Ituri and North Kivu.

"Good governance and incompetence are incompatible!"

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Loochi en français.

Mrs. Solange Nabintu Kahasha - Operations Director / TRIDE Financial Officer


Solange Nabintu Kahasha has a Bachelor's degree in Administrative Commercial Sciences, financial option. She has more than 10 years of professional experience in financial administration of projects: accounting, operations, human resources, budget monitoring and financial reporting to donors for emergency and development programs in the Democratic Republic of Congo. One of the preferred branches is overall grant management including, among other things, capacity building of support staff and studying the financial health of partner organizations. Her passion is effective project management.

"The problem is a sign/symptom of what is blocking our impact/progress. A problem is the underlying cause of one or more issues that we can directly address. We need to take the time to fully understand our problems and issues, and the root causes of both, in order to choose the most strategic direction for our learning. Teams are often very clear about their innumerable problems, but have not had the opportunity to properly assess the underlying genes behind those problems and how to prioritize their resolution. Choosing the priority problem to work on in the learning project can be the turning point for change."

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Solange en français.

Mr. Albert Ilosyo Kitenge – We are Able Project Officer


Graduated with a Bachelors in Development Science and Technology with an orientation in Environmental Management, after obtaining a Graduat Diploma in Regional Planning. Brings 10 years of experience with Civil Society organizations, and 3 years in peace building and local governance.

"Effective citizen oversight works to ensure that governments improve their services and management of local resources, thereby promoting mutual accountability."

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Albert en français.


Mr. Darcin KABWANDA MUBEZA – Driver 







4 - Staff Bunia (ESPER and ESPAD projects):

Mr. Jean-Paul Soroba Banga – Ituri Focal Point / ESPER and ESPAD Team Leader / Inclusive Local Security Governance Expert

Jean Paul

Graduated with a Bachelors in Management and Economics Sciences from the CEPROMAD University. He is a dynamic and ambitious person who has worked for more than 12 years in the humanitarian, stabilization, resettlement, peace building & consolidation and development sector. He worked on a range of thematic assignments: local & security governance, citizen participation (commitment), community resilience and recovery, livelihoods, disarmament-demobilization-reintegration, lobby and advocacy.

Development remains a planned and researched process in a sustainable manner, and the efforts to be combined will have to be concerted. Fostering long-term prospects for good governance, stabilization, justice and security for lasting peace are the foundations of harmonious development for society.

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Jean-Paul en français.

Mrs. Nicole NDJANGUSI MBUDHA – Technical Assistant

Nicole NDJANGUSI MBUDHA holds a degree in Management and Economic Sciences, with a specialization in Financial Management and Accounting from the University of CEPROMAD/Bunia. She has worked as a Financial Assistant in a national organization called Femmes en Action pour le Développement Multi-sectoriel (FADEM), and for the past two years has been working in local governance with VNG International.

"Security is at the heart of development and stabilization, hence participatory local governance is essential for democratic local governments to provide quality and accessible services to all.”

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Nicole en français.

Mr. Jean-Claude MASENDI UPIR – Technical Assistant

Mr. Jean-Claude MASENDI UPIR holds a degree in Political and Administrative Sciences, with an option in Administrative Science from the University of Bunia. He worked for four years in political cabinets as a secretary, assistant and expert. His time in these cabinets made him realize that security governance requires a clear and precise expertise, a reason to accompany the State in promoting security. 

"The foundation of development and stability of a state is effective local governance.”

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Jean-Claude en français.

Mrs. Chantal Kahwa Miramago – Operational Support Officer


Graduated with a Bachelors in Economics and Management from the University of Bunia (Ituri), with a specialization in Financial Management. Experience in financial and accounting management, human resources management and logistics.

"Participation in stabilization, the search for equitable justice, the fight against corruption and gender-based violence have always motivated me. Teamwork will enable us to meet these challenges."

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Chantal en français.

Mr. Jimmy Mungamba Bokaki – Operational Support Officer


Graduated with a Bachelors in Economics and Management Graduate from the University of Kisangani. Passionate about humanitarian work, counts more than ten years of professional experience in different sectors such as education and child protection. Experience in administration, finance, human resources and logistics.

"Without peace, there can be no development, no respect for human rights, no sustainable growth and no equitable redistribution of land and wealth among people."

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Jimmy en français.

Mr. Jacob BYARUHANGA – Driver 

Mr. Roger KIMBUNGU NZANZA – Driver

5 - Staff Uvira (ESPER and ESPASK projects):

Mr. Robert Wangachumo Dunia - Uvira Focal Point / ESPER and ESPASK Team Leader / Inclusive Local Security Governance Expert


Holder of a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy with a socio-political orientation. Postgraduate training in post-crisis reconstruction, promotion and defence of human rights. Expertise in conflict transformation, advocacy, inclusive and participatory local governance and gender approach. Experience in managing development programs with national and international organizations. Skills in project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, organizational development and partner support.

"The more inclusive governance at the local level, the more sustainable change can be achieved. The sharing of responsibilities and the involvement of all social strata in the management of public affairs guarantee both access to and control of resources for all, and accountability on the part of leaders. Distributive justice embodies the vectors of social cohesion and peace."

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Robert en français.

Mrs. Générose KIZA MUKUBWA – ESPER & ESPASK Program Assistant

I have a degree in Public Health from the Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales in Bukavu, DRC, and have worked for Arche d'Alliance, a human rights NGO, as a facilitator and researcher in Participatory Action Research on land management and its impact on women's security in the Uvira territory. In addition, I was a programme officer with the NGO UPDI-Bukavu in its project "Integration of household methodologies (HM) in agricultural extension, value chains and rural finance in sub-Saharan Africa" GALS methodology.

"Development and security of entities are dependent on the participation and inclusion of women and men, so it is up to each and everyone to play their part and assume their responsibilities.”

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Générose en français.

Mr. Marcel SALA SIKALUMBA - Inclusive Local Security Governance Expert

Mr Marcel SALA SIKALUMBA holds a degree in Applied Pedagogy, option: French, from the Institut Supérieur Pédagogique (ISP) in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Before joining VNG International in 2020, within the Ensemble pour la Sécurité et la Paix au Sud-Kivu (ESPASK) project, he was employed by the diocese of Uvira (DRC) as a school director and teaching advisor, and later as school director, head of the education component and project coordinator at the Union des Groupes d'Etudes et d'Actions pour le Développement de Fizi-Itombwe (UGEAFI).

"Respecting the principle of subsidiarity means promoting the development of local territorial entities.”

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Marcel en français.

Mrs. Irène NTAMBALA NTAKWINJA – ESPASK Operational Support Officer

Bachelor in Business Administration and Economic Sciences, Protestant University in Congo in Kinshasa, Business Management. Experience in administration, human resources, finance and logistics in emergency and development programs especially in NGOs in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

"The governance of development and security of local territorial entities is the main focus of efforts to improve the living conditions of the population.”

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Irene en français.

Mr. Héritier NAHANO KALEMBIRE – ESPER Operational Support Officer

In charge of Administration, Finance and Logistics in the Programme Ensemble Pour la Sécurité et la Paix à l'Est de la RD Congo (ESPER) within VNG International at the Uvira Field Office in the province of South Kivu. With a degree (Bac +5) in Financial Management from the Catholic University of Bukavu; With a professional experience of more than 3 years in Accounting and Finance, serving the Community and the authorities for an inclusive governance is my new experience.

"Inclusive Governance is the key to development in many third world countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo; but the effort must be collective”.

Veuillez trouver ici la biographie de Héritier en français.



Address See above, DR Congo, (Goma/Bunia/Bukavu/Uvira)
Telephone +243 815 813 595