Sep 20, 2022

    Magie van Magic

    In een meeting room in Praag spreken we over de afsluiting van het MAGIC project in Myanmar. Wie had ooit gedacht dat de samenwerking met Loka Ahlinn, die begon tijdens jouw reis…

    Sep 13, 2022

    Verenigen voor vrede

    Nieuwsberichten over El Salvador gaan bijna altijd over moorden, bendegeweld, de laatste noodklok of migratie. COMURES, de Vereniging van Gemeenten in El Salvador was een van de…

    Sep 07, 2022 - Sint Maarten

    4th Round of CSO project financing by R4CR in Sint Maarten is launched

    Exactly five years after hurricane Irma, on Tuesday 6 September 2022, the Resources for Community Resilience (R4CR) team launched their 4th round of project financing for…

    Sep 06, 2022

    Let’s not idealise local democracy!

    Of course, our VNG International gospel is, and always has been, that decentralisation of power and responsibilities ensures that local politics better reflects the needs and…

    Aug 30, 2022

    A legacy of commitment to grassroots governance

    It took a 45 minutes interactions with the Director - Mr. Peter Knip to shape my impression of task at hand as envisioned by such an admirable leader who has committed his entire…

    Aug 23, 2022

    On the importance of equitable service delivery

    All of us have innumerable forms of identity -or subgroups- to which we belong. Most of these identities, we do not pay attention to. Yet grievances can mount based on a form of…

    Aug 17, 2022

    First visit of the LRAP consortium to Wawa (Togo) for an applied and successful land reform!

    The consortium led by VNG International and composed of Cadasta Foundation, WiLDAF-Togo and Kadaster International undertook with the Millennium Challenge Account Togo…

    Aug 16, 2022

    Peace of nations v. Peace of mind

    Resultatenmeting in ontwikkelingssamenwerking is van oudsher een heet hangijzer. Hoe meet je ‘outcomes’, ‘impact’ en ‘change’, en laat je aan de donor zien dat je ‘adaptive en ‘…

    Aug 09, 2022

    Development or peace: what comes first? An experience from Myanmar

    In Myanmar we discussed whether we first should have peace for development to take place or whether development would finally lead to peace and stability in the country? Seventy…